Monday, December 8, 2008

Settling In

Early Nov: Phew, it's good to stop somewhere for a while!! This house suits us well for the moment. And there are no water cuts in this village which is strange because everywhere else seems to have alternate days where the mains water is switched off, and they use the roof tanks for supply.

We've sent for our 13 boxes (our worldly possessions!!) from Scotland.

Thoughts on Cyprus so far.....

Very dry - the island is parched after the long hot summer.

And building work! It's going on everywhere! They are definitely gearing up for a huge influx of people.

Larnaca: I love how Larnaca's beach is so accessible from the town. Here I was, shopping in the town with hot, hot feet, so I simply cross the road onto the sand and cool them off in the sea!

This picture is Larnaca promenade - shops and restaurants on right, beach on left.

Driving: well, same side as the UK, but different rules, especially around use of the horn! Honk Happy or what!!

Ah, lemon trees - I love to see the lemon trees with their abundance of fruits. Figs, grapes, pomegranates and oranges are all being harvested now.

I love the little teeny cucumbers here, they are so crunchy.

The smell of jasmine in the evenings, and the feel of a warm wind.

The pleasant temperature of the sea.

The mix of old traditional and modern - farmers in old tractors trundling along the roads being overtaken by 4x4's and BMWs. Older women dressed in black sweeping outside their modest homes only a stones throw from luxury villas with electric gates, statues and swimming pools. Souvlaki (kebab) being cooked over the coals on the pavements not so far from McDonalds, KFC et al.

Blue skies in the day and clear, starry nights. It's so wonderful to see the stars every night!!

So far, so good (nobody has asked to return to Scotland yet!).

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