Tuesday, December 9, 2008

A new addition to the family

5th November 2008
Finally, finally, after so much waiting, Cara (8) has a hamster. We spent a mad day in Nicosia (or Lefkosia as the Cypriots say), getting some things at Ikea, then searching all over the place for a shop called Pet City.
"It's easy to find!" says the man on the phone, just turn left (or right) at the coffee shop, or further on, or we're on the main street or perhaps a back road.

After a ridiculous length of time and many, many U-turns (thank goodness I wasn't driving), we found it, and one delighted daughter spent most of her saved up money on a baby hamster and all the trappings. This is Moonsilver, and I don't know how much more love a little hamster can take.

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