Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Boxes arrive!

18 November 2008:
Our boxes have arrived! They came over land in a lorry. Most of the stuff is in good condition, but our PC didn't make it (dead). The kids had great fun re-connecting with their toys after a month, and Sean was happy to have his hammock to sling up under the balcony (no palm trees in our garden). NOW we're in Cyprus!

Something funny has been going on however. The kids have been squabbling and I've been feeling restless and edgy. Then I realised that we've been here for a month, and whenever we've moved, we find that everything seems fine for a month or so (honeymoon period), then the adjustment starts to kick in. We all took a homeopathic remedy (tuberculinum) and after a few days things settled again.

I guess this is really quite a big upheaval for us all. Lots of new things to get used to, and in a different language too. Many Cypriots speak a bit of English, but we've also been using sign language at times! We have a few Greek phrases now, and are learning as we go.

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