Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Cyprus is well and truly sizzling now. The nature of the build of the houses means that they soak in heat all day, and then release it into the house at night!! So even at 10pm, it's over 30 deg C inside.

Some of the barefootclan have taken to sleeping outside! Great for stargazing.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Ronan turns 12

Ronan turned 12 on 15 July 2010. Where has the time gone? Only one more year til he's a dreaded teenager.

He had his first waterskiing lesson. This is him
learning the correct position with the instructor.
Also, walking out to the boat, and in the water.
Unfortunately, Sean didn't manage to get any
pictures of him actually doing it, but he did
manage to get upright and ski, holding a bar.
Later, we had a beach picnic with some friends,
and CAKE of course!!